Great Southern Stand

Steve Parker presents a visit with humanity at it's most bizarre, through the eyes of a madman!


Online radio australia - Steve's Music Show 11

And here's the man himself, doing a little improv guitar work. Sweet.

Steve's music show episode 11: The latest and greatest in non-commercial music from around the globe!

This week:
Peergynt Lobogris - The Omega Project

The flood vid sent to me by Stout 'n Bitter.

Business is ramping up! The year grows busy for the Steve, so I'm going to have to cut down on the shows a little. Three times a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday is the new theme. No show today, but here's the vid of the QLD floods.

Catcha tomorrow!

The Author of The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy
on the origin of God. Funny and fascinating in indomitable Adams style.
Read by Simon Jones.

Online Radio Australia - FAIL! Jan19 2011

No episode today folks, there's been a DISASTER! My system is absolutely flooded with some new bastard virus and it's going to take a complete reinstall to clean up. Gar.

Have a good one folks, catcha tomorrow.


Online radio australia - GSS e94 Jan18 2011

When you play with fire, expect to be burned!

Episode 94: Ricky Gervais assaults Hollywood! A ten minute run down of the whole story to date, featuring his opening speech from the Golden Globe awards last night!

Who's afraid of the big bad dentist..?

Episode 90: More poo news, some dull dentistry, French TV "stars", some INSANE skateboarders, and a Stereo Swede!

EXTRA: A small write-up by Steve for the rich.

Online Radio Australia - GSS e87 Jan7 2011

A soon to be dead German freak with his only friend. (I am not a fan)

Episode 87: Steve rounds out the week in high style with ghoulish news from Germany, some ghoulish news from Sweden, and just for a change, some ghoulish news out of Japan!
(Well, alright. It's fishing news, but it's KINDA ghoulish!)
We then hit a serious note with some more primitive news about gay marriage before jumping back on the chuckle track with some frisky crocs to put us all in a good mood for the weekend.
Have a fabulous one folks, See you next week!

online radio australia e85 Jan5 2011

Not what I am talking about...

Episode 85: A much needed cash injection for facebook, peasants marrying pythons, A prisoner's VERY well hidden mobile phone, Kiwi alien secrets and a cool new space launch theory.
What more could you ask for?

Online radio australia - Steve's Music Show 10

The Scare Bears out of the USA

Steve's Music show Episode 10: Steve brings us the latest and greatest in non-commercial music from around the world!

This week:

The Scare Bears (USA) - Zombie

The Chemistry Set (UK) - We luv you!

Hordak (Ger) - Virus


The Scare Bears on Jamendo

There's No RegretHordak
"Virus" (mp3)
from "There's No Regret"
(Acuity Music)
More On This Album

This Day Will Never Happen AgainThe Chemistry Set
"We Luv You!" (mp3)
from "This Day Will Never Happen Again"
Buy at iTunes Music Store
More On This Album

online radio australia - GSS e84 Jan4 2011

The manly navy! 

Episode 84: Steve regails us once again with the weirdest news of the day! The birth of international Sushi police, Secret Government UFO stories, Romanian prophets, a miniature creature feature, some naughty nautical nudity and the luckiest Spaniard alive!

This episode on Mininova