The Steve-mas episode!
The whole team get together to say GO FUCK YOURSELF, I mean... Merry Steve-mas to our adoring audience whom we adore in return. Ali Steve and James on various topics from wiping old men down in public, to the mystery of who left the turd in the shower!? Top notch, high brow entertainment all round.
Also, how about a bloody Steve-mas present for the team!? Click on an ad! Selfish bastards...
Ho ho bloody ho.
More pics coming soon! But no video treat. I've checked Santa's list, and you've all been very naughty, and don't deserve a treat. Don't blame me!
Ali is terrified of a microphone which is leaping to the attack! |
Steve cannot believe he let them get away with this hat. |
The Teddy boy bobble position. Death the the mods!