Great Southern Stand

Steve Parker presents a visit with humanity at it's most bizarre, through the eyes of a madman!


Welcome to my home city...

Yeah, I live in a sick city.

HERE'S A LITTLE SOMETHING for those who want to know what sort of environment created the Steve we all know and hope never gains true power for fear of what he will do to the rest of us.

Map of Australia with Adelaide locator.
Map of Australia with Adelaide locator.

Adelaide's Skyline
Adelaide's Skyline

BLEEP! Episode Seven - Tue 17 Jan 2012

Pchow! Pchow! Zzzzzzzzzzttt! 

The Star Wars episode! 
Tom and Steve cover Star wars games aplenty, some of the best
 and some of the worst, as well as their normal gaming news, reviews
 and bitter-sweet remembrances from the past. 

Press PLAY below

You can email the team HERE with comments, 
questions or retro game reviews which you'd like
to hear read out on the air!

Steve is a Girl

Yes. This is... well. There's a reason we never made this show we were writing.

Hitchens Memorial Petition

Please help get a statue of Christopher erected in London by signing the e-petition below.

As a hero to reason, logic, literature, and so many other things we owe him at least that. He should be remembered, and one day when the world becomes a better place people will look at that statue and know that he was at the forefront of the struggle to make it so, and that without him we would not have arrived there. 

Great Southern Stand 182 Tue 3 Jan 2012

Episode 182: 

Steve, James and new guest Nick take a quick romp through Radio Adelaide's studio 5. Health issues, Ikea actors, A bit o the old ultra-violence, Vengeful ISP's, far too many cock jokes for comfort and much much less!

Press PLAY below or DOWNLOAD here

Don't forget to support the team by clicking on one 
of the ads to the right. You're really doing us a favour! 

Today's Video Treat:
Just to get you in the retro mood. Check out BLEEP! here.